Thursday, September 20, 2007

I didn't know that...

Did you know that whole milk will curdle (rather quickly) in a baby bottle when you warm it in luke warm water? Hell, formula sure didn't do that. How was I to know? I mean, sure, I was a chef once, and yes, had milk get too hot making soup or something, and what did it do? CURDLE! But, I didn't relate that to the baby milk thing. They asked me at daycare what I put in her bottle yesterday morning and I said milk. They were like, "Well, she wasn't getting anything to drink b/c it was curdled." That's embarrassing as crap. I told them I didn't know and she will just have to drink it cold from now on. Then the lady said, "If you have any ?'s, just ask me, I have three kids." Arghhhh! It wasn't ever a question in my mind b/c I didn't know! I hate it when people say that. I have twenty kids, let me tell you how to raise yours shit. No thanks. Well, Lake is okay and had non-curdled milk on the way to daycare this a.m.! Woopie! Now, since Andrew is going on vacation for a week next week, I guess I'll just wing it! And please don't call trying to give me advice! I'll just call my mom if an emergency arises. Because, yep, you guessed it...she's had kids and will tell me what she did to them back in the day to get through it all! and no, I'm not angry. I actually wrote this while laughing aloud!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I wonder....

If anyone actually reads my everyday boring life? If you do, what should I do to improve on it? Nothing really exciting happens to me to post about.

Friday, September 14, 2007

WATE should've paid for parking!!!

This is by far the highlight of my day. Not only does WATE get on my nerves by the way they make ever thing into a freaking soap opera, but it seems to have rattled the feathers of the bike police. They park there every day, blocking the sidewalk, crosswalk sometimes, and pumping diesel out of the exhaust for hours at a time when it's hot. So, here's to you bike police! IT's the only good thing you've done. Except for not ticket all the cars parked with their hazards on across the street!

Some funny signs...

Wow. IT's still raining, the boss left for the day, and I have nothing to do. So, I found an article about signs used in England to speak plainly to the common person. I guess it's a good idea, but some people just ignore signs b/c they don't like being told what to do. Like my boyfriend sometimes. Well, here they are... I can't think of anything else to say right now. I might be blogging again later if I have a brillant idea or something. (chances of that happening today, 1-99%)


woot, woot...I just want my grass to be some sort of shade of green. Hopefully it will rain all day and make that happen. Not much going on here lately, so this is all I have to talk about I guess.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

So, one more pic, b/c she's cute!!!

She is her daddy's girl. Hope you all enjoy the pictures. I'll get around to emailing them soon, but steal them from here if you want.

How to canoe with a baby...(saftey pics included)

So, we went a little bit country...

We went to the fair last night courtesy of Catherine. All Andrew wanted to see at the Fair was Craig Morgan (, who I thought should have been told that moving your hips like that with your teenage daughter in the front row, is...well, embarrassing.) Plus, it was a little sissy. Anyways, dude has a pretty good voice and it was an entertaining show. I sat in a puddle of water and my jeans were soaked. That's always fun. And, I got lost from Andrew and had to walk down "Carnie Alley" and those carnies were harassing me, for real. One said, "I've got your ball right here honey," and another said, "Shake what you got." If you know me, I don't got much of anything but skin, a little fat, and some bones. I don't know what he was telling me to shake. Anyways, I finally caught back up with Andrew and we made it back to the car. Oh, Lake was at home being baby sat by my mom since we wanted to do something kinda like a date for Drew's birthday. We don't get to do that very often. Well, I guess I better blog me up some work or something around here. Have a good day. This pic is from our seats at the concert, which overlooked the fair, sort of...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Birthday Princess

I won't be posting for a few days b/c I have computer classes for the next three.. So, here's the update. I still feel like crap and I think Lake is getting better. I forgot it was Andrew's birthday and had to call him on the way to the daycare to tell him. I'm having the worst hot flashes and think I have a fever, but I have to go to these classes. Oh well, it'll get better, right? Here's Lake on her birthday...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

She's gonna be a musician, I just know it!

Delayed reaction

I have been ill since Sunday, so that's why there is no new post. I have bronchitis again and am on all the same crappy medicine again. I think it's the fresh Knoxville air that keeps giving me this ailment. I never had it when I lived in Oxford. There are actually places out there in the world with good air quality. So, I miserably sit here at my desk, pretending to work, but instead blogging. My kid had diaherra on the way to school and when I went to change her diaper, it was a weird purple, greenish color from all the pedialyte I had given her last night. I expect the daycare will probably call next time b/c it's the freakiest thing I've seen come out of a human being. Well, I'm going to work, but I'll post when I get some pics of Lake to put up.

Did you know that....

I honestly wouldn't have know this unless the back of this pickup truck didn't tell me. Hey, they've got a number too. Is that for Jesus to call in case he has some extra scrap metal??